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I am Natalie (she/ her). For more than 20 years
I have been studying the human body through physical movements, as an instrument to under-stand life within and around me. I've experienced and learned about the interaction of body, mind
and soul and their great ability to transform and heal ourselves from inside out. I consider myself
as a dedicated teacher but also a curious student and perceive yoga as a way of living. Having a strong interest in philosophy and psychology I
incorporate parts of both in my classes. My aim
is to create and hold a welcoming and healing
environment for all.
I am Natalie (she/ her). For more than 20 years I have been studying the human body through physical movements, as an instrument to understand life within and around me. I've experienced and learned about the interaction of body, mind and soul and their great ability to transform and heal ourselves from inside out. I consider myself as a dedicated teacher but also a curious student and perceive yoga as a way of living. Having a strong interest in philosophy and psychology I incorporate parts of both in my classes. My aim is to create and hold a welcoming and healing environment for all.
300h Advanced Yoga TTC with Talia Sutra and Tony Lupinacci, Rishikesh, India

65h Zen Shiatsu Training (Level 1 + 2) with Ulrike Schmidt at Berliner School of Zen Shiatsu

Psychological Yoga Therapy Training 108h at Nivata Berlin

The Power of Awareness — Training with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

Yoga Teacher at Practice Yoga Berlin

Apprenticeship with Sandra Gerhard at Practice Yoga Berlin

Yoga Teacher at Yoga on the Move

Founder and Teacher of Nane Yoga

Ashtanga and Vinyasa TTC 200h at Sampoorna, Goa — India

Studies in Body & Movement at centro em movimeno, Lisboa — Portugal

M.A. Media Arts
“As you find the light in you,
you begin to see the light in everyone else.”
Ram Dass
“As you find the light
in you, you begin
to see the light in everyone else.”
Ram Dass